Friday, December 29, 2006


I am seeing beggars these days with a small child in their hands. If they come to me and ask for money, I don't give money and I just get angry on that. Sometimes, I feel whether we can take all these children and keep them in an orphanage so that atleast they have basic education so that they can stand on their own feet rather becoming robbers or beggars or what ever anti social persons. I feel it is better to give food or education to a person than contributing that money in poojas and all. After all telugu quote says "Manava seve Madhava seva" (Serving to people is serving to God).

I don't know why our beloved politicians never think of this. And they want to exploit the cast-ism. None of the parties gave any statement against reservation in IITs or IIMs. And now, suddenly, BJP president L.K.Advani says they are still thinking of building RAM Temple in Ayodhya. And our beloved PM says they want to do something for Muslims and he feels they should be allowed to first claim on resources. My suggestion to a Muslim or a Hindu is only one. Don't go blindly with these politicians. They know British rule very well which is "Divide and Rule" and so they are implementing that on us. I don't mind much about whether to have a masjid or temple in Ayodhya.

Some thing that we can do:

Respect each other
Give basic education to your children. If not able to, don't give birth to them.

And the quote I have seen today:
Help ever, Hurt never
Love all, Serve all
- Sai Baba

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

now, I know

While browsing for something else, I got this. Now, I know, why I am getting all PSAs in my blog. :(

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Funny code

Some time back, I had to write a program where I need to have a thread which continuously looks for some status and does some work in background.
So, I started off like this.
Class MyThread implements Runnable
public void run()
//Something here



Class MyClass
public void function1()
MyThread thread = new MyThread();; // assuming thread runs in background
//do my work here

And I was wondering, why my program is taking so much time. And then, I figured out, that thread is running and my program is exiting only after thread finishes its work. :)
Later, my teammate asked me "Did you find out where you are wrong? " and explained where I was wrong. :)
Some times, we do such silly mistakes for which we waste hours and hours. :)