Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Moments :P

Yesterday, we were shifting home and door bell was rang and I opened the door. A person asked me "Could you call your mom please?". He takes home delivery order for fruits and vegetables and so wanted to talk to some elder people at home. :))

Later in the evening, a lady rang the bell. Again, I opened the door. She said "Could you call madam please?". I said "Yeah, tell me". She stared at me again and started talking. :)
I guess, all the credit goes to my t-shirt. Earlier, the same t-shirt made a security person in Bangalore Metro to inform me that "Under-18 are not allowed". :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DOS equivalent of linux commands

unix Command =>Dos Command
Grep -r => findstr /S
ps aux => tasklist /v
kill -9 => taskkill /f /im imagename
cp => copy
find . -name =>dir filename /S
Currently looking for locate or find . -name available in linux
Got the answer for above one. Thanks to Satish. Updated the list accordingly.