Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Saga of cooking

Ok. my current work environment has provided(or forced :D) me to sharpen my cooking skill. One day, I fedup with the canteen food (yeah. haven't seen this pathetic food earlier) and feel I can prepare better than this. Sometimes, I succeeds and that gives me motivation and sometimes, I fail (Yeah, it actually happened oneday that I beat my canteen food :(, can't imagine but happened in reality ). Then, I feel, why to torture my husband too with this food and give up cooking. But one day, I again feel that I can prepare better and start cooking and the story continues in infinite loop. :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Random dreams these days

Got a dream that I am singing "Janaganamana" and I sang the whole national Anthem in dream.
Got a dream about my work and started designing it
Got a dream that I wrote a class for Steve Balmer with public and private function which he can use for public and personal communication
Got a dream that I started calling a function via a pointer (Run time overriding, you see ) to move left and right while sleeping

Moral of the story: Need a break!!!!

Monday, August 02, 2010


We had a plan to visit Bangalore last weekend and had prepared for it since long. However, God had some other plans for us. We had to cancel our trip for various reasons and after cancelling the trip, I got a call that my uncle is not well and admitted in a hospital in Hyd. We went to meet him on Saturday and by the time we reached, the doctor has informed them to take him to a hospital in their place itself as the same injections can be taken there. My uncle have a kid who just finished his +2. I consoled the kid as well my uncle and aunt saying everything will be ok. Little I knew that would be my last visit to him. They have taken my uncle to a hospital in their place and the journey went fine and he was feeling ok. After I got this information, after few minutes, I got a call saying he is no more.:-(

I guess, I am in the second phase of life.

In the first phase, you are a kid and you don't hear/see the news of the people you have seen while growing up are no more.

Second phase of life, you get to hear the news of elder people you have seen when you are kid are no more.
Third phase of life, you get to hear the news of your age people are no more and ball will be in our court during that time and couting for days